This list is under construction
- Databases
- Database Research Laboratory at the
University of Illinois Winslett
- Stanford University Database
Group Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom, LORE, GLOSS
- Database Systems Lab -
UMass Mohan, Ramamrithan
- Computer Science Research at
Almaden, IBM Garlic, QBIC
- UC Berkeley DBMS Research
Group Stonebraker
- UCSD Database Laboratory
MIX (Mediation of Information using XML) project
- UW-Madison
DBMS Research Group Ioannidis, Naughton
- Cooperative DataBase (CoBase)
Project, UCLA
- Knowledge-Based
Multimedia Medical Distributed Database System (KMeD), UCLA
- Penn Database Research
- Database
Research Group, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Sudarshan
- Information Systems
- Multimedia Systems
- Digital Libraries
- Another list
of DB Research Groups by Michael Ley
- Course textbook: "Database Systems